Thursday morning, Garrett and I woke up early to get ready to head to the hospital so I could be induced. I could not sleep at all that night because I was just so excited, I was ready to get up when the alarm went off! We got ready, put our bags in the car, and headed for the hospital. When we got to the hospital we checked in at the front desk and then headed to the labor and delivery floor. When we got to the floor, we went to the nurses station, where my two nurses introduced themselves to me and showed me my room. They then had me sign papers and I changed into the hospital gown.
As I got in the hospital bed, it finally started to hit me that I was actually about to be induced and that we would be meeting our baby girl for the first time very soon. The nurses, then started me on Pitocin and my doctor, Dr. Wilkes, came in around 8:30am to check on me and try and get things started a little bit faster. She used this new type of catheter which makes you go into active labor quicker. When the doctor placed the catheter it hurt so bad! I just kept thinking what did I get myself into by being induced rather than going into labor naturally. My doctor then said she would check on me at noon and then break my water.
As Garrett and I waited around for me to go into active labor, I caught up on the Bachelor and Garrett played games on his phone. At this point I wasn't in pain, so it was nice just hanging out doing nothing with G. Around 10:30 am my mom and Garrett's mom, Kathy came to the hospital to keep us company and we just hung out and watched T.V. Our mommas were with us the whole entire day and were so good about checking up on us to make sure were we doing ok.
Hanging out in our room. |
Finally noon came around and my doctor came to break my water. I was expecting the contractions to get a lot worse since she broke my water but I surprisingly felt really good and no had pain until around 1 pm... that is when I really started having contractions. Before I knew it I was dilated to a 5 and I wanted some IV pain meds asap! When I went into the hospital, I planned on trying to go as long as I could without a epidural and even try to have Amelia without the epidural but as my contractions got closer together I decided I just could not do it. I called the nurses in asking for IV pain meds and then they asked me if I wanted the epidural instead. I could not decide whether or not to get it.. I wanted to be able to know when to push and to know how it actually feels to have a baby but then the pain got so bad I decided to hold off on the pain meds and just get the epidural. The anesthesiologist came in around 4 pm and gave me the epidural. I was so surprised the epidural did not hurt at all compared to the contractions. That epidural was the best and got me through labor even though I definitely still felt pain. I had to get the anesthesiologist to come and up my dose a couple of times but in the end it was the best decision.
Around 7:30 pm I started to feel my contractions again and was in a lot of pain. My contractions were getting really close together but the monitors were not showing them as frequent as I was having them so the nurses tried to figure out what was going on with the monitors. At this time my doctor was supposed to be coming to check me so the nurses were holding off on seeing if I was progressing. After waiting a little while for the doctor the nurses decided to check me and when she did she said she could see the babies head and I was a "+2", and she said that meant baby was coming like now! They called the doctor again and she hurried over to the hospital and got there at 8:10pm.
All of the nurses in the room and my doctor were amazing in the delivery! The actual delivery was actually not bad at all! The epidural was working but I could still feel my contractions a little bit so I knew when to push. Everyone was cracking jokes while I was delivering and making me laugh, so it made me calm down and really not stress at all! Garrett did really well too! He was worried about passing out, but he just stayed by the side of the bed and held my hand.
Baby Amelia was born at 8:18 pm 6 pounds 4 0z and 19 1/2 inches long. The second she was born the doctor put her on my stomach. Being the baby that I am just sat there holding my baby girl and cried as I looked at her! I was so happy that my she was finally in my arms safe! It was such an amazing experience even though I am so happy that the delivery is over! Our baby girl was so alert when she was born, she just sat there and looked around at everyone.
One of Amelia's first pictures. |
After Garrett cut the cord, the nurse then took her and got her all cleaned up on the other side of the room. While Garrett was taking pictures of Amelia, Garrett had his hand by her and she reached up and grabbed his finger and would not let go. Garrett just stood there with his baby girl holding his hand. She already has him "wrapped around her finger." After they cleaned her and assessed her the nurse bundled her up and then brought her to me. Garrett and I could not believe she was finally in our arms. It was such a special time for our new little family! We love our little girl! To be continued...
Amelia holding her daddy's hand
Baby Amelia 6 pounds 4 oz |
Mommy and Amelia |
Our Little Family |
Daddy and Amelia |
We love her. |
Congrats!!!!! Looking forward to meeting the newest member of the family!